One of the most important pieces of armor is a helmet because damage dealt at the head is the most. So protection of the head of the player is needed the most. Making your helmet stronger and more durable we need enchantments. All these enchantments apply to any type of helmet.
There is a total of 11 enchantments for helmets, but the curse of binding is one of the worst enchantments, when applied to any armor, it ties the item to the player till they die. So, it’s never used.
Here are the top 10 enchantments for helmet:
Enchantment for helmet
The Mending enchantment only goes to level I, but it uses XP to fix tools, armor, and weapons, which are most useful, when in battle. It is also helpful when players are unable to fix or craft more tools. While it is one of the foremost expensive enchantments because it consumes XP, it is helpful, especially on a sword made from gold and diamond. It’s Minecraft ID 70.
Already enchanted mending helmets also can be found at buried treasure maps or ruined portal chests or villages.
The Unbreaking enchantment increases the sturdiness of the item a player is holding. This will make an item last longer than intended, which is great when in battle. However, the enchantment only goes to level III. Its Minecraft ID is 34.
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Thorns is armor enchantment that causes attackers to be damaged once they deal damage to the wearer. While wearing any piece of armor with the Thorns enchantment, the wearer features a Level × 15% chance of inflicting 0.5()-2(
Curse of Vanishing
The Curse of Vanishing Enchantment allows you to curse an item within the game. When an item is stuck with the enchantment, the curse items will disappear when a player dies within the game (instead of being dropped after the player dies). The utmost level of this enchantment is level 1. Its Minecraft ID is 71.
Most of the underwater ruined temples or overworld ruin portal chests give helmets with mending or curse of vanishing or both.
Because the name goes, protection is that the enchantment which when applied to armor increases the armor’s damage reduction. There are IV levels of protection. Protection is incompatible with projectile protection, fire protection, and blast protection. Its Minecraft ID is 0.
- In the java edition, the damage reduction is (4 × level) % for each piece of armor.
- In bedrock edition, armor pieces use the formula (4 × (level + 1)) %.
Fire Protection
Nothing much to mention, the name only shows this enchantment reduces the damage caused by fire and lava. But it is incompatible with projectile protection, blast protection, and protection enchantments. It’s IV levels. Its Minecraft ID is 1.
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Projectile Protection
The Projectile Protection enchantment reduces the damage from projectile attacks like arrows, ghast fireballs, and blaze fire charges. This enchantment is applicable to all or any pieces of armor but incompatible with Fire protection, blast protection, and protection enchantments. The utmost level for the Projectile Protection enchantment is level IV. Its Minecraft ID is 4.
Blast Protection
The Blast Protection enchantment protects a player from damage from explosions like TNT, creeper, ghast fireballs, initial wither boss explosions, and ender crystals. This enchantment is applicable to all pieces of armor but incompatible with fire protection, projectile protection, and protection enchantments. The maximum level for the Blast Protection enchantment is level IV. Its Minecraft ID is 3.
Respiration is exclusively a helmet enchantment for extending the breath underwater. Respiration extends underwater breath by 15 secs per enchantment level. It also grants an opportunity of not taking drowning damage for a couple of seconds. It’s highest levels up to III. Wearing a turtle shell extends this time by a further 10 secs. Minecraft ID is 6.
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Aqua Affinity
Aqua Affinity is a helmet enchantment that increases underwater mining speed. It’s no levels. This enchantment is additionally applicable for helmets only. Its Minecraft ID is 8. Mining underwater takes 5 times as long as mining while out of water. Wearing armor with Aqua Affinity causes this penalty to be ignored.
How to enchant

To enchant a not-enchanted helmet we need lots of XP, an enchantment table, and lots of lapis lazuli.
Total 15 bookshelves are put around with one block gap, maybe put around the enchantment table to get higher or better levels of enchantments. Anything placed in that one block gap will block the bookshelf bonus from reaching the enchantment table. Now right click on the table, put the non-enchanted helmet and the lapis lazuli in the slots provided, levels and the enchantment available are shown, click on the enchantment we need and we are ready to go.
Once the helmet is enchanted we cannot enchant it more with the enchantment table.
We need anvil and enchanted books to combine them together. Enchanted books are available from villagers in exchange for emeralds.
In creative or LAN survival mode we can use /enchant to enchant the helmet with our desired enchantment.
/enchant <enchantment name> <level>
e.g. /enchant respiration 3
Of the whole armor, helmets protect the head of a player from an attack of undead mobs. Thus enchanting helmet is needed. Not only protection, but enchanting helmets also extend underwater breathing time and increase mining speed underwater.
Thus, enchanting helmets is not a waste of time.
How to make Netherite helmet?
In the a 3 x 3 grid crafting table, we need to make one diamond helmet with 5 diamonds. Then need a smithing table. Place the diamond helmet and one netherite ingot in the smithing table to make one netherite helmet.
How to make a turtle shell helmet?
In Minecraft, a turtle shell is a new armor item that will be available in the Aquatic Update. Turtle Shells are made with scutes which are dropped from baby turtles when the baby grows into a full adult. 5 scutes in the crafting table make one turtle shell helmet
How much extra time turtle shell helmet gives?
Turtle shell helmet gives players an extra ten seconds of water breathing every time they enter water, up to a total of 25 seconds. If enchanted with respiration, that time goes all the way up to 70 seconds – more than enough to traverse down to whatever the sea floor may contain.
Also read: 5 Best Minecraft Enchantments for Armor