Armor provides protection from everything in Minecraft. Enchantments are often placed on armor to form it even more protective and sturdy than it already is. If you are looking forward to surviving longer then armor is a must. Armor is some things that each Minecraft player should wear if they plan on going for a dangerous mining trip or explore new things. Any physical attack, explosion, projectile or maybe fire is often mitigated with the proper set of armor. As armor serves so much it’s important to enchant it. There are several different enchantments for armor.
Common Enchantments for Armor
The Mending enchantment only goes to level I, but it uses Xp to fix tools, armor, and weapons, which are most useful, when in battle. It is also helpful when players are usable to fix or craft more tools. While it’s one of the foremost expensive enchantments because it consumes Xp, it’s helpful, especially on a sword made up of gold and diamond. It’s Minecraft ID 70.
The Unbreaking enchantment increases the sturdiness of the item a player is holding. This will make an item last longer than intended, which is great when in battle. However, the enchantment only goes to level III. Its Minecraft ID is 34.
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Thorns is an armor enchantment that causes attackers to be damaged once they deal damage to the wearer. While wearing any piece of armor with the Thorns enchantment, the wearer features a Level × 15% chances of inflicting 0.5()-2(
) heart damage on anyone who attacks them, regardless of whether or not they were hit by a melee attack, arrow or other projectile. III levels are available. Its Minecraft ID is 5.
Curse of Vanishing
The Curse of Vanishing Enchantment allows you to curse an item in game. When an item is stuck with the enchantment, the curse items will disappear when a player dies within the game (instead of being dropped after the player dies). The maximum level of this enchantment is level 1. Its Minecraft ID is 71.
As the name goes, protection is the enchantment which when applied to armor increases the armor’s damage reduction. There are IV levels of protection. Protection is incompatible with projectile protection, fire protection and blast protection. Its Minecraft ID is 0.
- In java edition the damage reduction is (4 × level) % for each piece of armor.
- In bedrock edition armor pieces use the formula (4 × (level + 1)) %.
Fire Protection
Nothing much to say, the name only shows this enchantment reduces the damage caused by fire and lava. But it is incompatible with projectile protection, blast protection and protection enchantments. It has IV levels. Its Minecraft ID is 1.
Projectile Protection
The Projectile Protection enchantment reduces the damage from projectile attacks like arrows, ghast fireballs, and blaze fire charges. This enchantment is applicable to all the pieces of armor but incompatible with Fire protection, blast protection and protection enchantments. The maximum level for the Projectile Protection enchantment is level IV. Its Minecraft ID is 4.
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Blast Protection
The Blast Protection enchantment protects a player from the damage from explosions like TNT, creeper, ghast fireballs, initial wither boss explosions and ender crystals. This enchantment is applicable to all pieces of armor but incompatible with fire protection , projectile protection and protection enchantments. The maximum level for the Blast Protection enchantment is level IV. Its Minecraft ID is 3.
Respiration is exclusively a helmet enchantment for extending the breath underwater. Respiration extends underwater breathing time by 15 secs per enchantment level. It also grants an opportunity of not taking drowning damage for a couple of seconds. It has highest levels up to III. Wearing a turtle shell extends this point by a further 10 secs. Minecraft ID is 6.
Aqua Affinity
Aqua Affinity is also a helmet enchantment that increases underwater mining speed. It has no levels. This enchantment is also applicable for helmets only. Its Minecraft ID is 8. Mining underwater takes 5 times as long as mining while out of water. Wearing armor with Aqua Affinity causes this penalty to be ignored.
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Chestplate and Leggings
There is no special enchantments available for chestplate and leggings other than the common enchantments ones in vanilla Minecraft.
We can add Curse of Binding enchantment in boots and leggings but this enchantment is the least preferable among all. Players don’t use armor with this enchant without any extreme necessity.
Feather Falling
The feather falling reduces the quantity of injury that a player takes from fall. It reduces the damage from falling and damage from ender pearl teleportation. You can enchant your boots with up to Feather Falling IV. Its Minecraft ID is 2. Feather falling is merely applicable for boots.
Frost Walker
Frost walker enchantment creates temporary ice blocks when walking over water. It also deducts the damage from certain blocks like campfire and magma blocks when stepped on. Its Minecraft ID is 25. Frost walker has II levels maximum. This enchantment is incompatible with Depth Strider enchantment.
Depth Strider
Depth Strider is additionally a boot only enchantment that increases the underwater movement speed. Every level reduces the quantity water slows the player by 1/3, including reducing the speed at which water flowing pushes the player when standing still. Level III is that the maximum for Depth strider. Its Minecraft ID is 7. It’s incompatible with frost walker enchantment.
Soul Speed
This enchantment is merely useful once you do netherwart farming or your nether portal opens at soul sand biome, because it boosts the speed of the players on soul sand and soul soil. This enchantment may be a bit hard to urge, only via bartering with piglins with gold. Its Minecraft ID is 36. The utmost level for Soul Speed enchantment is III.
How to Enchant
To enchant a not-enchanted armor we’d need many XP, an enchantment table and much of lazuli. Total 15 bookshelves are put around with one block gap, maybe put around the enchantment table to get higher or better levels of enchantments. Anything placed therein one block gap will block the bookshelf bonus from reaching the enchantment table. Now right click on the table, put the non enchanted armor and therefore the lazuli within the slots provided, levels and therefore the enchantment available are shown, click on the enchantment we’d like and that we are able to go.
Once the armor is enchanted we cannot enchant it more with the enchantment table.
We need anvil and enchanted books to mix them together. Enchanted books are available from villagers in exchange for emeralds.
In creative or LAN survival mode we can use /enchant to enchant a piece of armor with our desired enchantment.
/enchant <enchantment name> <level>
e.g. /enchant protection 4
Advantages of Enchanting Armor
When you’re playing Minecraft, have your armor enchanted with the simplest enchantments to realize advantages and benefits
- If your armor is enchantment, then it will reduce the risks of a player being damaged.
- You can play against big mobs or other players if you have an enchanted armor with you.
- If you work on armor enchantment, then you will also get enchantment weapons.
Enchanting armor needs time and lots of effort to do, but it can make a player the most powerful in a server or even in his own singleplayer world. Shining armor protecting from mobs, fire, or having severe fall damage reduces the chance of dying and enhances the experience of this game.
With enchanted armor, sword and tools you can be at the top of the world and explore without any worries.
Which Protection among the 4 types are the best?
Every type of protection has different ways to protect players from damage. But still Blast Protection and Protection are the most efficient ones among them. In my opinion, blast protection enchantment can be used on helmet or legging and the rest of pieces of armor can have protection 4 enchantment. One can also use the protection in every piece of armor but that is actually not necessary. Protection itself more or less can reduce the damage. Blast protection reduces the damage from explosions.
Which one is better : Frost Walker or Depth Strider?
Frost walker is useful in that it allows one to walk across oceans, thus making certain trips a bit simpler. Depth strider, on the other hand, increases walking speed whilst in water, not swimming, just walking. So in my opinion depth strider is more useful and a better fit for boots.
How to make armor stand?
Armor stands are used to hold armor. To make an armor stand, place 1 smooth stone slab and 6 sticks in the 3×3 crafting grid as shown in the fig. We can right click on the armor pieces and place it on the armor stand.
How to make a turtle shell helmet?
In Minecraft, a turtle shell is a new armor item that will be available in the Aquatic Update. Turtle Shells are made with scutes which are dropped from baby turtles when the baby grows into a full adult. 5 scutes in the crafting table make one turtle shell helmet.
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