GPU is the busiest part of your PC situation with regards to gaming. It forms many directions to perform different activities during gaming, and because of this, it can get too hot in some cases. Like CPU, Overheating of GPU can happen and it can prompt numerous issues including failure of the graphics card. In the graphics card, GPU is the primary part where overheating can happen. The memory of the graphics card can likewise get hot, however, it doesn’t go past the risk level.
There are different explanations for a GPU to get extremely hot, and this happens just during gaming or substantial designs preparing assignments. Overheating can bring about a diminishing in the life expectancy of the GPU and may likewise bring about prompt harm to it or the motherboard sometimes. So here I will reveal to you how you can lower your graphics card GPU temperature to a protected level and keep it from overheating.
How high can a GPU temperature be?
All things considered, the response to this question may rely upon one card to other yet anything over 80°C is an indication of stress. On the off chance that the temperature of your graphics card GPU goes above 80°C, at that point, you should take fitting measures to cut it down ideally to 70°C–75°C territory or lower.
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How to check your GPU temperature?
There are different little equipment checking devices and utilities accessible on the web for knowing the GPU temperature of your graphics card.
These graphics card observing programming projects are allowed to download and utilize. Here are probably the best ones out there on the internet for free download:
Measures to control GPU temperature
Clean Fan & Heatsink
Residue can oblige on the heatsink and fan in this manner diminishing GPU’s effectiveness and productivity. Open the PC case and afterward expel and take out the graphics card. After that with the assistance of a little brush. Cautiously expel the residue from the graphics card. Put the graphics card again and afterward screen the temperature with the assistance of GPU checking software.
Change the Thermal paste
It might be conceivable that the thermal paste or heatsink compound between the GPU and heatsink has been seared or has lost its adequacy. Here evacuate the Fan and Heatsink and afterward, reapply a decent quality thermal paste on it. I suggest using Cooler Master’s Mastergel Regular thermal paste.
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Check if the fan is working
In the event that the fan of the graphics card is turning gradually, at that point it may be flawed. Here the main thing you can do is supplant the defective graphics card fan with a new one. If you are looking to buy a new GPU fan, consider buying the Deepcool RGB Fans pack.
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Go for Aftermarket coolers
You can likewise buy a decent aftermarket GPU Cooler on your graphics card on the off chance that you think the stock cooler/heatsink fan (HSF) isn’t sufficient. You can likewise get a liquid cooler or water cooler for the card to cut down the temperature definitely. Try to get the correct cooler for your card, else it won’t fit appropriately on your card and you will squander your cash. Also, make sure that your PC cabinet has enough space for the aftermarket cooler that you get. Consider buying Deepcool Castle 240 RGB V2 All-in-one Liquid CPU Cooler.
Increase the Airflow inside your PC cabinet
Inadequate or terrible airflow inside your PC case can likewise prompt a rise in the temperature of your graphics card. To improve the airflow inside your PC case you can tie the cables, introduce intake and additional exhaust fans or purchase a greater spacious cabinet for your build. I suggest getting a Full Tower PC case for improved airflow and to stay away from a clog in the PC case.
Update/downgrade drivers
Now and then terrible video drivers can likewise raise the temperature of the graphics card to more elevated levels. This can occur with a particular rendition of drivers and on certain graphics cards. Here what you can do is either update the graphics card drivers or move back to stable ones introduced before. You can likewise use DDU or Display Driver Uninstaller to expel graphics card drivers from your windows PC.
Downgrade GPU clock
You can incidentally drop down the GPU clock frequency or speed to forestall the graphics card from getting excessively hot. This you can do by using graphics card overclocking tools. In the wake of making sense of the reason and applying appropriate measures, you can reestablish the GPU clock to its default speed.
Disable GPU Overclocking
In the event that you have overclocked your graphics card, at that point you ought to return to the GPU unique clock settings to keep it from getting excessively hot. On the off chance that you plan on doing overclocking once more, at that point you should make sure that the card will stay under safe temperature later on.
Increase GPU Fan speed
It might be conceivable that the GPU fan’s programmed speed control work has gone broken or it isn’t arriving at the greatest speed when the graphics card is dealing with full burden during gaming. So here you can set the fan speed from programmed to manual at 100% level using graphics card overclocking virtual software.
Final Thoughts
Overheating isn’t useful for any hardware, whether it is a graphics card, processor, memory, or other. Here I have referenced each conceivable reason for graphics card overheating and gave the fitting answers to battle it. On the off chance that you have any inquiries regarding graphics card overheating, at that point you can ask me by leaving a comment underneath.
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