WhatsApp has grown a lot in the past few weeks because of the worldwide lockdown. So WhatsApp’s 5 new cool features will amaze the users. The organization has been attempting to improve the client experience further to oblige the development sought after and changing social texture over the world. Here we’ll talk about different new WhatsApp highlights that the organization has been pushing out in the beta rendition of the application, a couple of which have additionally made it to the steady form.
Group calling:
This is the most recent in the rundown of updates that have been spotted on the beta form of the application. WhatsApp is trying a component in which the client will have the option to include more than four members in a video call meeting. This element was not empowered in the beta form yet the application may present it soon, considering the gigantic flood popular for a progressively secure video conferencing application. It is believed that it can hold up to 8 callers in a call. This is done mainly because of the problem faced by Zoom application. (Also read: Best alternatives for Zoom application)
Restricting forwarded messages:
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Forwarded messages are a fundamental piece of WhatsApp’s client base however, its likewise a device that might be utilized purposefully or unexpectedly to course deception and fake news. The organization has contrived different techniques to control this spread and one way is limiting the number of forwarded messages an individual can send. If a message has been forwarded more than five times on the platform, the user will not be able to forward it to more than one recipient. This is intended to slow the spread of bogus data significantly.
Verification of forwarded messages:
Another tool developed against the spread of phony news is being tested by WhatsApp. The application is trying an approach to effortlessly verify forwarded messages on the application. In a beta test, the application was indicating an inquiry image close to as often as possible shared WhatsApp advances, tapping on the image will take the client to a confirmation page where she or he can check for the realness of the message.
New photos and GIFs search bar:
A new version that is being tested shows that users will be able to search for media files like photos and videos as well as documents on the application. The user will have to select the type of media or document before entering the keywords.
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Use the same number on multiple devices:
After the update, the user will be able to use the same number on more than 1 device. Whatsapp is developing a separate button for this option and every time a device is added, the user will be notified.
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