Oneplus is said to launch the Oneplus Z as its mid-range smartphone in the market. It is said that it will be priced at around Rs. 30,000 to compete against other mid-range smartphones like Samsung Galaxy A71, Huawei P30 Pro, Realme X2 Pro. Oneplus is following the footsteps of Apple, an affordable product at its brand’s standards. This Oneplus Z has been like a fantasy for Oneplus lovers as its launch rumors have been circulating from the last year, however, they have decided to launch it very soon this year.
Max j, one of the popular leakster, who has been accurate with Oneplus product launches has tweeted that the Oneplus Z could launch in July. Still, we don’t have a solid date.
— Max J. (@MaxJmb) April 28, 2020
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It is believed that Oneplus Z will take over the place which was once filled by Oneplus X. The name “Z” suggests that Oneplus has started concentrating more on budget-oriented products since the company just announced its latest budget wireless earphones the Bullets Wireless Z earphone. So we can assume that the smartphone in this segment will be budget-friendly.
The phone is expected to have the same quad-camera setup just like Oneplus 8 and even the 30W Warp charger is expected to be present in the smartphone. But, we don’t think they will offer a wireless charging feature on this smartphone. Also, this mobile might come with MediaTek Dimensity 1000L processor instead of a snapdragon Chipset.
From the tweet made by Max j, it is clear that the Onlpus Z will have a punch-hole selfie camera placed on the center, unlike the Oneplus 8 and 8 Pro which has a selfie camera on the top left corner.
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Oneplus recently announced the Bullets wireless Z at Rs. 1,999. It comes with amazing specifications like 10 hours playback at just 10 minutes charge, Bluetooth range of 33 ft, quick switch, low latency mode. So let’s hope the Oneplus Z will also be equipped with some cool features at a good price.
The pictures rendered from last year.
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Also read: OnePlus Wireless Charger Will be Available For Rs 3,990