A potion is “a liquid with healing, magical, or poisonous properties”. Similarly in Minecraft potions are the consumable items available, which gives us various effects like healing, slowness, strength, and many more. Potions are made by brewing various items available, which can be upgraded and enhanced using modifiers like redstone, glowstone. Making potions needs a lot of items.
Made with 3 cobblestone and 1 blaze rod in a 3×3 crafting table. A Brewing Stand is used to add, mix or enhance ingredients into water bottles.
Blaze Powder
Blaze powders are made from blaze rods ( mob drop of blazes). It is used as a fuel in the brewing stand. Each piece of blaze powder used provides fuel for 20 “steps” of brewing.
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Glass Bottle
Made with 3 glass blocks in a 3×3 crafting table. Used as a container for all kinds of potions, water and honey.
Water Bottle
The starting base for all potions, made by filling a glass bottle from a cauldron or a water source block. These water bottles are put in the slots of the brewing stand.
Each cauldron can hold a bucket of water (after placement), fill 3 glass bottles, or in Bedrock Edition, hold 3 bottles’ worth of a single potion (after placement), and can hold water in the Nether without evaporating.
Water can also be used as a source instead of Cauldron, by making an infinite water source. Infinite bottles can be filled.
Base Ingredients and Modifiers
Base ingredients are those which are added directly to the water bottles or are added after a potion is made with the needed ingredients. Nether wart among all the base ingredients is the most fundamental. It is required to make almost all the portions. Fermented spider eye is also a base ingredient, only used to make poison.
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Modifiers are ingredients used to alter the potion properties or to change the effect of the potion into a different one. Redstone dust, glowstone dust, gunpowder, dragon’s breath are the modifiers. Every modifier has a special effect of potions. When used with a normal water bottle makes “No Effect” potions.
Result When Added To Water
Nether Wart
Awkward Potion
Allows the creation of more complex potions.
Redstone Dust
Mundane Potion
Extends the duration of a potion.
Glowstone Dust
Thick Potion
Enhances the level of a potion.
Fermented Spider Eye
Potion of Weakness
Corrupts the potion effect. (changes effect)
Splash Water Bottle
Turns a potion into a splash potion.
Dragon’s Breath
Lingering Water Bottle (from Splash Water Bottle)
Turns a splash potion into a lingering potion.
Table 1
Nether Wart
Nether warts are found in Netherland fortresses. Red nether biome or Crimson Forest is a new biome that is found in the Nether dimension and will be introduced in the Nether Update. The tree-like crimson fungus tree gives blocks of nether wart.
Redstone Dust
Redstone dusts can be found by mining only. They are available as redstone ores and deepslate redstone ores.
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Glowstone Dust
Breaking glowstone blocks give glowstone dust. Glowstones are only available in nether.
Fermented Spider Eye
Fermented spider eye is a craftable recipe in a 3×3 crafting table. It needs sugar from sugarcanes, brown mushrooms and spider eyes.
It’s a mob drop from creeper.
Dragon’s Breath
The dragon’s breath can be obtained by scooping up the ender dragon’s breath attack or dragon fireball clouds in an empty bottle.
Upgrading a potion works on the logic of Barter between Enhancement and Duration. If a potion is brewed with Redstone dust it will give an extension of time duration. But if it’s brewed with Glowstone dust it will enhance the potion to its next level.
Corrupted effect
Fermented spider eyes change the base effect of a potion when added to it, producing a negetive or corrupted effect to the potion. Though, all the potions are not affected by it.
When added to water bottles give a potion of weakness which is used to heal zombified villagers. Invisibility is also considered as a corrupted effect of Night vision, when spider eye is added.
Splash Potion
Any potion can be turned into splash potions by adding gunpowder to the brewing stand. For instance, a splash water bottle can be brewed with any of the base ingredients; the result remains a splash potion with the effect needed.
In Bedrock Edition, splash potions’ effects have only three-fourths of the duration of the drinkable form. For example, a drinkable potion effect of 8:00 is reduced to 6:00 as a splash potion.
In Java Edition, splash and drinkable forms have the same duration.
Lingering potion
Lingering potions are made from splash potions by adding dragon’s breath to the brewing stand. Lingering potions can be modified in the same manner as their normal counterparts.
Lingering potions have only one-fourth of the duration of the drinkable form. For instance, a drinkable potion effect of 8:00 is reduced to 2:00 as a lingering potion.
Effect Ingredient
Effect ingredients are the items added to the brewing stand with an awkward potion. These ingredients influence the type of potions created,but they don’t alter potion duration or intensity.
When added directly to a water bottle, most of these ingredients produce a mundane potion with No Effect. The exceptions to this are golden carrot, pufferfish, turtle shell, and phantom membrane, which cannot be added directly to a water bottle.
Rabbit Foot
Glistering Lemon Slice
Instant Health
Spider eye
Water Breathing
Magma Cream
Fire Resistance
Golden Carrot
Night Vision
Blaze Powder
Ghast Tear
Turtle Shell
Slowness, Resistance
Phantom Membrane
Slow Falling
Table 2
Brewing Potions
Brewing stand is made by placing cobblestone, blackstone or deepslate with one blaze rod in the 3×3 crafting table.
After placing the brewing stand, at least 1 glass water bottle is needed to place out of 3 in the bottle slot. As a fuel, blaze powder is used in the leftmost slot. 1 last slot is left on the top, where base ingredients and effect ingredients are added to start the brewing process.
Brewing Stand GUI
Now the usual steps for brewing potions are:
Add base ingredients, especially awkward potions to the top slot to make awkward potions with no effect.
Fermented spider eye when added with normal water bottles gives Potion of weakness directly, used to heal a zombified villager.
After making an awkward potion, effect ingredients are added to the brewing stand, to make respective potions.
Fermented spider eyes added with few potions give corrupted potions.
Gunpowder added with these potions produces splash options and when dragon’s breath is added again it makes lingering potions, which can be used to create a lasting area effect cloud, or to craft tipped arrows.
Redstone dust when added to the potions increases the time durations of the potions.
Glowstone dust is added with the potions to enhance the levels.
Each brewing step takes 20 seconds. Each piece of blaze powder used provides fuel for 20 “steps” of brewing. Fuel is consumed when a brewing operation starts and it is not recovered if the operation is halted prematurely by removing the ingredient or potion bottles. The same amount of fuel is consumed whether one, two, or three bottles are being brewed.
Best 10 Potions of Minecraft
Potion of Regeneration
Particle #CD5CAB(Pink)
Type Positive
Potion of Regeneration if made by adding 1 ghast tear to the ingredient slot of the brewing stand after making awkward potion. We can also make lingering potions, splash potions and arrows of regeneration.
Regeneration potion restores health by every 2.5 seconds.
By adding redstone dust to the brewing stand it can extend the time from 0.45 – 1:30.
By adding glowstone dust to the brewing stand it can make Regeneration II potion which restores health by every 1.2 seconds.
Potion of Strength
Particle #932423(Dark Red)
Type Positive
Potion of Strength is made by adding 1 Blaze Powder to the ingredient slot of the brewing stand after making an awkward potion. We can also make lingering potions and splash potions of strength.
Strength potion Increases player’s melee attack damage by 3()
By adding redstone dust to the brewing stand it can extend the time from 3:00 – 8:00.
By adding glowstone dust to the brewing stand it can make Strength II potion which increases player’s melee attack damage by 6().
Potion of Instant Health
Particle #F82423 (Red)[Java Edition only]
Type Positive (negative for undead mobs)
Potion of Instant Health is made by adding 1 Glistering Melon Slice to the ingredient slot of the brewing stand after making an awkward potion. We can also make lingering potions and splash potions of instant health.
Instant Heath potion restores health by 4 ()
Redstone Dust is incompatible with instant health .
By adding glowstone dust to the brewing stand it can make Instant Heath II potion which restores player’s health by 8().
Potion of Fire Resistance
Particle #E49A3A (Amber)
Type Positive
Potion of Fire Resistance is made by adding 1 Magma Cream to the ingredient slot of the brewing stand after making an awkward potion. We can also make lingering potions, splash potions and arrow of fire resistance.
Fire Resistance potion gives immunity to damage from fire, lava, magma blocks, campfires, and blazes‘ ranged attacks.
By adding redstone dust to the brewing stand it can extend the time from 3:00 – 8:00.
Glowstone dust is incompatible with fire resistance.
Potion of Water Breathing
Particle #2E5299 (Dark Blue)
Type Positive
Potion of Water Breathing is made by adding 1 Pufferfish to the ingredient slot of the brewing stand after making an awkward potion. We can also make lingering potions and splash potions of water breathing.
Water Breathing potion prevents the oxygen bar from depleting when underwater.
By adding redstone dust to the brewing stand it can extend the time from 3:00 – 8:00.
Glowstone dust is incompatible with water breathing.
Potion ofSpeed
Particle #7CAFC6 (Electric Blue)
Type Positive
Potion of Speed if made by adding 1 sugar to the ingredient slot of the brewing stand after making awkward potion. We can also make lingering potions and splash potions of speed.
Speed potion increases movement speed, sprinting speed, and jumping length by 20%.
By adding redstone dust to the brewing stand it can extend the time from 3:00 – 8:00.
By adding glowstone dust to the brewing stand it can make Speed II potion increases movement speed, sprinting speed, and jumping length by 40%.
Potion of Invisibility
Particle #7F8392 (Light Gray)
Type Positive
Potion of Invisibility is made by adding 1 Fermented Spider Eye to the ingredient slot of the brewing stand after making an night vision. We can also make lingering potions, splash potions and arrow of invisibility.
Invisibility potion renders the player invisible. Equipped and wielded items are still visible.
By adding redstone dust to the brewing stand it can extend the time from 3:00 – 8:00.
Glowstone dust is incompatible with invisibility.
Potion of Night Vision
Particle #1F1FA1 (Blue)
Type Positive
Potion of Night Vision is made by adding 1 Golden Carrot to the ingredient slot of the brewing stand after making an awkward potion. We can also make lingering potions and splash potions of night vision .
Night Vision potion makes everything appear to be at the maximum light level, including underwater areas..
By adding redstone dust to the brewing stand it can extend the time from 3:00 – 8:00.
Glowstone dust is incompatible with night vision.
Potion of Instant Damage
Particle #430A09 (Maroon)
Type Negative (positive for undead mobs)
Potion of Instant Health is made by adding 1 Fermented Spider Eye to the ingredient slot of the brewing stand after making an awkward potion. We can also make lingering potions and splash potions of instant damage.
Instant Damage potion inflicts health by 6()
Redstone Dust is incompatible with instant damage .
By adding glowstone dust to the brewing stand it can make Instant Damage II potion which restores player’s health by 8().
Potion of Weakness
Particle #484D48 (Gray)
Type Negetive
Potion of Weakness is made by adding 1 Fermented Spider Eye to the ingredient slot of the brewing stand with water bottle. We can also make lingering potions and splash potions of weakness.
Weaknesspotion reduces player’s melee attack damage by 4().
By adding redstone dust to the brewing stand it can extend the time from 1:30 – 8:00.
Glowstone dust is incompatible with Weakness.
What are all the potions of Minecraft?
All the potions of Minecraft are: Potion of Night Vision
Potion of Invisibility
Potion of Leaping
Potion of Fire Resistance
Potion of Swiftness
Potion of Slowness
Potion of Water Breathing
Potion of Healing
Potion of Harming
Potion of Poison
Potion of Regeneration
Potion of Strength
Potion of Weakness
Potion of Decay
Potion of the Turtle Master
Potion of Slow Falling
Is Luck Potions availble ?
No, luck potion is only available in java edition exclusively. Potion of Luck-I 5:00 Splash Potion of Luck-I 5:00 Lingering Potion of Luck-I 1:15 Arrow of Luck-I 0:37
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