The long-awaited Youtube Chapters feature is finally getting official rollout for everyone now. Youtube Chapters was the most requested feature on the platform by everyone to make sure viewers make the best out of their time and not waste any of it. Well, what exactly is Youtube Chapters?
Youtube is updating their viewing UI to make it easier for the users and content creators to engage their audience in the best and efficient way. They’re adding a new feature to their watch section known as Youtube Chapters. As the name suggests, this will create some chapter like clips on the video, and a user can browse to the particular topic he/she wants.
This feature does not come by default to the users and its totally upon the content creator or the video uploader to set the chapters for their video. Youtube Chapters is probably the most requested feature on Youtube, which was in trial since April. Many of the users have used it as some got updates, but it wasn’t rolled out officially until now. This is going to save a lot of time for the people in a rush and needs to scoop out some info from the long videos on Youtube. Rest it’s totally upto the content creator how they design the chapter section to make it clear for their viewers.
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Youtube Chapters was a much-awaited feature from the company. To make sure it’s being used properly, there are some limitations for the content creators like to fulfil the purpose of this feature; the creator needs to add at least three chapters in a video lasting minimum of 10 seconds with the first one starting from 0:00.
This feature is helpful for the people who play albums on Youtube, which can now be divided into particular song sections so users can switch to a specific song. Youtube says this feature will bring more users to some videos, and the resulting will have more watch time on a particular channel.