Scammers have been dwindling online to find some new tricks to get to the victims and it seems like this time a WhatsApp Scam has popped up. There’s no confirmation if anyone’s compromised yet but one of the users got it and was secured after posting on twitter and getting some expert advice.
These online frauds never stop what they’re doing and they always have a trick or two up their sleeves. People with less knowledge about dealing with online systems get caught up in them. This is the sole reason people of old age are afraid to use online gadgets due to the scams they think might happen to them if they got in the wrong direction.
Today there’s the latest addition on WhatsApp Scams and a new trick the fraudsters are using this time is pretending to be the official WhatsApp company and asking you for OTP. Now if you believe it, the chances are your account will be gone within minutes. If not, you’re absolutely safe because WhatsApp would never ask any private information or release an update to you over the app itself. It would go over to the social media or the WhatsApp blog to disclose any information if there’s a new update.
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The latest WhatsApp scam was caught a user Dario Navarro and posted on Twitter tagging the WABetainfo on the platform. Everyone replied to the guy with the same thing that the account is fake and is just looking for the OTP to access his WhatsApp account which can be used for many things later on.
To make sure you’re not caught into these WhatsApp scams, make sure if you get a message like this, the account has a blue verified tick next to the number. Although this happens in very rare conditions. And first of all, WhatsApp never messages you for OTP or any private information so giving them what they want is out of bounds.
Also, refrain from entering your number on any non trusted sites to make sure your number is not flying in the online world.