The new Mi Notebook is finally set to launch in India. This was a much-awaited product from Xiaomi after having many teasers from the company. The device is different compared to the existing ones and is dedicated to a different audience this time.
According to the landing page of Xiaomi, the device is set to launch on June 11. Thereโs a timer set on the page for the date of launch. Apar from the event page, the news was also tweeted by Vice President of Xiaomi India Manu Kumar Jain. The launch page gives us a lot of Ideas about the device and how itโs going to look like and feel like for the users.
The Mi Notebook is teased to feature a sleek design which will make it easier to carry everywhere. The sleek design might make it lightweight which will make the portability of the device much easier. The device is supposed to feature an FHD display and the design of display looks somewhat similar to the recently launched Redmi display. The three-sided thin bezels except for a thick bottom one.
Along with all this Xiaomi talks about the power and speed of the device long with adequate space for the users. The last point mentioned in the page was the battery of the device.
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Since we have a little idea about the device, all the things will be revealed at the final launch. This is the first model of Mi Notebook that is going to debut in India and with the launch of the Mi 10, looks the company is getting their hand on in multiple products to expand their authority in the tech business. This was noticed after the launch of Mi TV 4K and the Redmi Display 1A.
Xiaomi is known for the price tag they launch the products in India so no doubt the Mi Notebook is supposed to follow along with the trend. Although nothing is leaked by the company as of now, we had tweets earlier that the device might be for gamers and will be priced accordingly. So people should not expect it to be cheaper than gaming laptops. But its Xiaomi so there will be something for the users at the launch.