Two of the most popular platforms have been caught snooping on iOS clipboard data after TikTok was spotted a couple of days ago. One of them being Linkedln, the most popular app among professionals and another being Reddit, one of the biggest forums online used by millions every day.
An iOS 14 Developer Beta user has caught this on his device. The user @DonCubed has posted the videos on twitter about how the application was snooping the clipboard data. He said he was trying to access the clipboard data on his iPad Pro but the application was accessing the data from his Macbook Pro. The user has posted both videos on his channel. Firstly the discovery was made on Linkedln and some hours later in Reddit.
Both the platforms were accessing the clipboard data through the iOS Universal Clipboard. This feature allows the transfer of clipboard data from one device to the other. The breach was found in the applications of both the devices which were able to access the data from the Macbook Pro of the user.
Apple doing what they do best, launched iOS 14 earlier this week which put an end to this. The iOS 14 comes with a feature to notify the users when an app is using their clipboard data and notifying them. Both the applications were accessing and copying each keystroke on the iOS clipboard of the Macbook Pro and the notification was visible on the screen.
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The LinkedIn situation was taken care of when Erran Berger, VP Engineering, consumer products at Linkedln replied to the tweet. He mentioned that this is merely a bug to check for the equality of the data which is copied on the iOS clipboard for the accuracy. The data is not transferred anywhere or stored after getting copied from the iOS clipboard. Although there is no problem with this, Linkedln already has the fix and will provide is shortly.
On the other hand, there is no news about how Reddit is reacting to the situation. It is one of the biggest off-topic forums that exist online. We can expect a response soon.
Read more from MeshPie.