Amazon, the e-commerce giant, has entered gaming quite seriously by launching its first PC game.
Amazon has been in the game-making business since 2014, Crucible is their first blockbuster Free to play shooting game.
Since it is free to play the game, we believe that this game will have in-app purchases through which Amazon makes money like any other gaming company.
It is also been said that Amazon is working on its next game New World, a battle themed game, which is scheduled to launch in August 2020. But now it is available for Pre-order.
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Previously Amazon was making games only for tablet users in order to lure them to buy their Prime subscription. Now they have started making their games available for mobile platforms too.
Amazon has launched this game to compete with other game tech giants like Microsoft, Nintendo, Activision Blizzard, etc. Let’s see, if this game takes off well, Amazon could top the gaming list too among its other achievements. Let’s not forget that Amazon already owns the most popular game streaming platform Twitch.
About Crucible
It is basically a survival game, you and your teammates have to survive the game among other players. Apart from fighting with your enemies, you will have to face challenges like capturing objectives and taking down alien creatures that the planet throws in your way.
You can choose between 10 hunters. Everyone has their own set of pros and cons. So you will have to carefully analyze and choose your avatar. You can even customize and upgrade your character as you progress in the game in order to be stronger.
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Meet the Hunters
This game boards 10 different hunters, each with unique skill sets.
Earl carries a fast-firing quad-cannon, but he’s too big to be a glass cannon. All that bulk gives him tons of health—and the muscle to carry a jet engine that launches him across the battlefield.
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Fires a burst of explosive rounds and increases Turbofire. AFTERBURNER:
Knock enemies back and block projectiles in the immediate area.
Captain Mendoza is a Unity veteran who favors a pragmatic approach to combat. He’s a classic run-and-gun essence hunter with access to healing and cover to sustain himself through tough encounters.
Holds to improve rifle accuracy, slows movement. - SPRINT:
He moves a lot faster. - FLASH GRENADE:
He throws flash grenades to blind enemies. - SUPPLY DROP:
He can call down for medkits and bunker. Bunker knocks back opponents on landing.
Summer can use her fiery abilities as often as she likes…until her custom twin flamethrowers overheat and momentarily shut down. A little risk keeps things interesting, right?
- Flamethrowers:
Fires a continuous cone of flame. Enemies do not block the line of fire. Generates heat. Abilities shut down when overheated. - Fireball:
Fires a long-range fireball that explodes on impact. Generates heat. - Firepulse Thrusters:
Jump up and forward. Generates heat. - Ignition Spark:
It creates a blast that knocks you and opponents back. Generates heat. - Magma Spiral:
It creates a circular pattern of flaming magma. Generates heat.
Tosca is an agent of chaos—so the winner-take-all battles on Crucible suit her just fine. With a high-tech shotgun and a short-range teleport, she can blast her enemies, then escape untouched. If you’re planning a fair fight against Tosca, you’ve already lost.
- Firing:
Fires a scattershot of acid bullets. - Adhesive Alpha:
Throw explosive compound, inflicting damage, and slowing the target. - Blink:
Short-range teleport in the direction of movement. Passes through obstacles. - X-Ray Goggles:
Immediately detect all opponents within 50 meters in front of you. - Electro-Cloud:
Create a smokescreen that disrupts enemy detection and blocks the line of sight.
Don’t let this robot’s adorable exterior fool you: Bugg can slow enemies, shield allies, and deploy plant turrets to needle the opposition, which makes him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.
- Spray:
Damages opponents and activates seed pods. - Speed Pod:
Fires a seed pod that can be activated by spraying. - Thrusters:
Thrusters propel you forward and vertically. - Crop Dust:
It creates a slowing, damaging, area of effect beneath you. - Shield Burst:
You, your seed pods, your plants, and nearby allies gain a temporary over shield.
Shakirri is a talented, honorable hunter who prefers to confront her enemies head-on. A master of quickness and precision, she doesn’t just defeat her enemies: she does it with style and grace. Her unmatched determination and self-confidence mean she will never give up.
- Shoot:
Fires much faster than others. - Disrupting Strike:
In sword stance, unleash an energy wave that disrupts opponents. In pistol stance, hold to improve weapon accuracy. - Weapon Swap:
Toggle between sword and pistol as your primary weapon. Sword stance moves faster. - Holo-Shield:
Deploys a force shield that deflects projectiles and blocks melee attacks. - Force Dome:
It creates a dome that blocks enemy attacks and prevents enemies from crossing.
Drakahl is the nastiest example of a nasty, warlike race. His combination of brute force and psychotic ferocity make him one of the most dangerous fighters in the galaxy.
- Chop:
Strike with a vibron axe. - Sonic Pulse:
Fire Sonic Pulse from vibron axe. - Rush:
Dash in the direction your camera is facing. - Resonating Axe:
Your axe hums with power. Choose between spinning damage over time area attack or a stunning area attack. While resonating, Chop becomes Resonating Spin: A spinning attack that bleeds all enemies While resonating, Sonic Pulse becomes Resonating Quake: Shockwave attack that stuns and damages nearby opponents. - Enraged Roar:
You become enraged. Choose between a life-stealing claw attack or a ranged grab attack. While enraged, Chop becomes Enraged Claw: Claw attack that generates healing over time. While enraged, Sonic Pulse becomes Enraged Grab: Short-range attack that pulls one enemy towards you.
Ajonah is a cunning warrior of the Orisi people, a race of amphibian raiders. An opportunist and a master of guerrilla warfare, she harasses her enemies and uses traps to cement her advantage on the battlefield.
- Hip Fire:
Fires harpoon. - Aim Down Sight:
Hold to improve harpoon accuracy and increase damage. Slows movement. - Grappling Hook:
Fires a retracting grappling hook. Hold to swing. - Squid Mine:
Creates mine that follows a target and explodes, slowing enemies. - Jamming Shroud:
Deploys device that jams detection in this area. Tap again to detonate.
As an ex-Unity soldier, Sazan understands the value of having the right tool for the job. Her preference is for an electro-knife, a shotgun, and an inertia gun.
- Attack:
Attacks with equipped weapon. - Electroknife:
Equip electroknife, which applies a long-lasting DoT upon hit. Recharges weapon energy. - Jet-Dash:
Dash in the direction of movement. - Shotgun:
Equip shotgun, which fires a powerful short-range burst. Recharges weapon energy. - Inertia Gun:
Equip inertia gun, which applies a stacking slow effect upon hit. Recharges weapon energy.
Rahi and Brother form a perfect partnership: Rahi’s got the heart, Brother’s got the brains, and together they’ve got a mission to make the galaxy a better place for everyone. They’re also an effective fighting duo, with close-range brawling tactics, shield manipulation, and reconnaissance utility.
- Shoot Laser Beam:
Fires laser for piercing damage. Attack generates a small amount of shields. - Force Punch:
Heavy melee attack. Drains personal shields to deal additional damage. - Brother’s Watchful Gaze:
Passive: When Brother is with Rahi, he detects any enemies that deal with damage to Rahi. Scouting Ahead: Brother moves to the target location. - Rescue:
While Scouting ahead is active, tap again to have Rahi teleport to Brother’s location. - Shield Of Justice:
Send projectile to shield allies, blinding enemies in path.
Game Modes
There are 3 game modes that you can choose from in this game.
In Hives, the map where you will have to fight with your enemies as well as drones that attack you. You will have to collect the heart of the drone after it is destroyed. The team that collects 3 hearts will win the match. Each match is a four-on-four-game.
There are no safety nets in Alpha Hunters: once you fall in combat, that’s it. Eight teams of two fight to be the last team—or solo hunter—standing. If your teammate dies, you can form a temporary alliance with another hunter, but that temporary truce will be broken if both of you make it to the final three.
Essence harvesters are scattered across Crucible’s surface. Each one you control generates Essence points for your eight-player team. Each harvester your enemies hold will cancel out your own. You’ll need to control a majority of harvesters in order to rack up any Essence—the more, the better. You can also take out enemy hunters for points. The first team to 100 points wins!
The game gives free 1000 in-game credits if you join before June 2. Their pre-season runs from May 20 through July 13. During that time play the game to complete missions and get amazing in-game customization options and credits. You can also buy the pre-season pass to unlock more missions and rewards.
The in-app purchases like the Founder’s pack are:
System Requirements
GPU: GTX 660 or ATI Radeon HD 7850
CPU: Intel i5-3570 or AMD FX-6300
Memory: 8 GB
Hard Disk: 7200 RPM HDD, 15 GB of available hard-disk space
Operating System: Windows 7 64 bit, DirectX 11
GPU: GTX 1060 or Radeon RX 570
CPU: Intel i5-6500 (3.2 Ghz) or AMD Ryzen 3 2200G
Memory: 8 GB
Hard Disk: SSD, 15 GB of available hard-disk space
Operating System: Windows 10
Click here to download the game now and enjoy your Quarantine life at home!