India’s biggest telecom operator Reliance Jio has launched JioTV+ in the market. The device directly competes with some of the major popular devices in the market including Amazon Firestick. Along with this other news was announced by Mukesh Ambani that Google is going to invest in the Telecom company and taking the smartphone industry in India to the next level.
Announced in the AGM the JioTV+ packs a ton of features for the users. Its a content aggregator platform supporting Over The Top (OTT) platforms, TV Channels, and other applications that stream online including Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc.
One of the best features of the JioTV+ is the one-time login access on the platform. Users don’t need to log in to all the applications to access them and will just need to log in to the main JioTV+. We have no idea about how this will work but we will get to know more about it once the service is available for the users. The feature will give you access to the content of over 12 biggest streaming services with a single login.
Along with that Jio also announced a developer program for all the app developers out there. They can create apps and deploy them on the Jio store and monitor them.
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Along with that, the developers can also monetize their app for revenue from the Jio App Store included in the Jio Set Top Box.
Google’s Investment in Jio
Mukesh Ambani, the chairman of Reliance Jio announced partnering with Google after Google decided to invest $4.5bn in the company. This investment is a part of Google’s $10bn investment which was announced on July 13. Jio and Google will be working on launching 5G in India which has already developed and tested by the company.
Along with this, the investment will focus on developing 5G capable ‘Made In India’ smartphones and moving a step forward towards Digitization in India. This funding will help to create budget-oriented smartphones for the people of India along with the optimization of the Play Store in India. According to Sanjay Gupta, Country Head, VP of Google India, there are many in the country who do not have access to or even a smartphone but this partnership will change all of that.