Apple has reportedly removed over 7000 apps from the Chinese App Store. This happened after the new rules applied in China for the verification to submit applications in the App Store. The apps are going to take a lot of time to go live on the Chinese Store again.
According to the new regulations for the app developers by Apple, they need approval from the Chinese regulators before uploading the App on the Chinese App Store. The main noticeable thing here is the limit of China to approve the applications and looks like they do a good background check on the applications. This is because of the fact that China only approves 1500 applications per year. The developers of the various applications will be discouraged for the long wait to get their application on the Chinese App Store. The verification process itself takes around 6-12 months so the developers should get started right away.
In the blog by AppInChina, it’s clearly visible that the developers and publishers of the application will get a new option while submitted their app review in china. They need to get an Approval Number from the Chinese authorities in order to submit the app review application. Along with that, the publisher needs to put in a verification document stating the approval number along with the business license to run the app.
After the submission, it would take a couple of months to get your app approved but looking at the number of applications, it might take a while since the yearly limit is 1500.
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The stats show that app removals from July 1 – July 4 was, 1571, 1805, 1276, and 2396 respectively. This is by far the biggest app purge from the listing of Apple throughout the world. The Chinese App Store is the biggest market for Apple, says IndiaTVNews. Apple says China brings a total of $16.4b per year from the app store while the US is capped at $15.4b a year. The App Store and specifically the gaming section makes more money in China than any other country in the world.
Currently, Apple has more than 60,000 apps hosted in China with in-app purchases. There are more than 20,000 apps expected to go down since the new regulations have been applied.
Read more from MeshPie.